MN South District Oversight

Information about the board of directors, circuit visitors, and District committees


Board of Directors

The board is elected once every triennium. The board meets once per quarter to discuss District business and provide accountability and guidance.

Click here for a printable list of the 2018-2021 board members

Click here for a printable list of the 2022-2025 board members

board members, click here to access the secure BOD portal

Board of Directors meetings will be held December 6, 2022 and on the following dates in 2023: February 25, May 2, September 25-26, and December 12.

Board members (2022-2025)

President: Rev. Dr. Lucas V. Woodford

Secretary: Rev. Keith Grimm

Treasurer: Mr. Rick Marko

Region 1 | East Metro
Second Vice President Rev. Tom Evans
Rev. Kurt Klaus, Mr. Daniel Thao, & Ms. Alfrieda Baldwin

Region 2 | West Metro
Fourth Vice President Rev. David Kind
Rev. Matthew Johnson, Mr. Bill Summers, & Mr. Travis Barclay

Region 3 | Southeast MN
First Vice President Rev. David Mumme
Rev. Jonathan Vollrath, Ms. Sara Sorenson, & Mr. David Kenow

Region 4 | Southwest MN
Third Vice President Rev. Mark Loder
Rev. Eric Nelson, Mr. David Koosman, & Mr. Daniel Uttech

Commissioned Ministers
Mr. Joel Landskroener & Mr. Andy Frerich

board business

Here is a list of the approved minutes from previous Board of Director meetings.


Circuit Visitors

Each of the 24 circuits in our District have a pastoral Circuit Visitor who helps the pastors in his circuit with the call process as well as offering monthly Winkels with Bible studies, support, and encouragement.

Click here for a full list of the current circuit visitors.

Click here for the circuit visitor portal.


District committees

District committees are appointed following the triennial District convention. Committees are listed below by overseeing staff member.

Dr. Phillip Johnson: Congregational Mission Formation Committee & Stewardship Committee
Rev. Vue Lee: Missions Committee
Sean Martens: Schools / Commissioned Ministers Committee, Personnel Committee, Camp Omega Board
Rev. Stefan Wismar: Ministerial Health Committee & Pre-Seminary Interview Committee
Pres. Lucas Woodford: Constitution & Membership Committee, Continuing Education Committee, Executive Committee, Handbook Committee, Policy Committee
Rick Marko: Finance Committee, Endowment Committee, District Archivist