Get Involved With The To All Generations Appeal

The Minnesota South District is launching the To All Generations appeal to strengthen Christian Education throughout our district. Each and every one of our churches and schools has a stake in this effort. 
You are invited to come to one of our upcoming area meetings to hear more about this appeal and how your congregation can get involved. Click the link to download the Congregational Involvement Indicator Form, which explains these meetings and the 10 different meeting sites. Fill out the form and return to the District Office by mail or email.
You may have already the read overview document about this effort, but if you haven't, please click this link for a copy. Share this with your staff and church leaders. Start exploring and dreaming about what type of new initiative might help your Christian Education efforts. 
A list of sample initiatives was created for you to start brainstorming AND to help our District staff develop a plan for implementing these initiatives. Click this link to download the Congregational Checklist form. Pick a couple of your favorites and send this form to OR fax to MNS District at 952-435-2581.