Minnesota South District, LCMS

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One Voice for Public Policy | April 2019

April 2019 | Now is the Time for Action!

This is a special edition of One Voice. Because of the crucial nature of the following tax bill proposal, I want to focus on it exclusively.

This is a very time-sensitive topic. Pastors, please share with your congregations this Sunday.

As always, I’m happy to give presentations to congregations or pastors’ groups regarding these or other public policy matters. Just contact me at fred.hinz@mnsdistrict.org.

Blessings to you as you exercise your citizenship for the sake of the Gospel and the welfare of your neighbor.

SF 5: Support greater parental choice in education

The Minnesota Senate Republicans recently released their 2019 Tax Bill proposal (Senate File, or SF, 5). It includes $26.5 million per year in funding for a Scholarship Tax Credit which will significantly enhance the financial ability of parents to send their children to the school of their choice. In keeping with recent Supreme Court decisions on religious freedom, this includes religious schools! 

This bill has the strong backing of Senate Republicans and has been identified as among their top two priorities.

But NOW is the time for the people to speak.

NOW is the time to let your State Senator know that you support SF 5!

NOW is the time to let your Senator know that you regard parents as the primary authority in the life of their children and that they should be given the financial power to act on that authority by sending their children to the schools of their choice!

The Senate will be voting on SF 5 in the next several days. And so it is imperative for people to act NOW by contacting their State Senator to urge support for SF 5!

There are two easy ways to act NOW:

 For the sake of the Gospel and for the welfare of our neighbor, it’s time to exercise our citizenship.

Rev. Fredric Hinz
LCMS Public Policy Advocate
Minnesota South and North Districts