Minnesota South District, LCMS

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Beyond Lament

There was a time

when being one of His

was recognized with praise

and deemed commensurate

by most with common good.

Not so any more.


There was a time

when wearers of the Name

were honored and expected

to say, “Lord, Jesus, Christ,”

as in a public prayer.

Not so any more.


There was a time

when prophets told the truth,

and they were listened to

as if their words were God’s,

to change the tide to good.

Not so any more.


There was a time

when sin was not a right,

and good was plain as light,

and lines were clearly drawn,

visible and followed.

Not so any more.


So we lament.

Once wearers of the Name,

now cautious to a fault,

we grieve our status lost

and set aside our cross,

not brave any more.


Now is the time

to move beyond our grief,

turn yellow into green,

night tears to morning joy,

and look the part as His,

not timid any more.


Now is the time

to say truth does not change,

good and bad set in stone,

and Jesus Christ the same

in every passing time,

not silent any more.


Now is the time

to be so sure and glad

so confidently bold,

to take the servant’s role

and love the neighbor first,

not passive any more.


Now is the time

to listen and respond

with written Word and heart

so winsome, wise, and strong

we cannot be ignored,

not quiet any more.


Now is the time

to take the slap and rage

and give back love and grace,

to know the fellowship

of suffering with Christ,

not afraid any more.