Prayers of the Month

Incarnate Lord, You stepped across the heavens, leaving behind Your glory, honor, and privilege, for us. You became just like us in every way, except for sin, for us. You willingly entered our fallen world and humbled Yourself for us. You suffered for us. You died for us. You defeated the forces of darkness, despair, and death for us. You are risen and alive for us. Your love for us is so extravagant. It knows no boundaries, it keeps no record of wrongs, and it continues to surround, uphold, and enfold us even though we are completely undeserving of such divine grace and favor and attention. As we, therefore, remember and celebrate Your coming to us as a baby in Bethlehem, grant us grace to constantly center who we are, what we do, and the way we live in Your deep and abiding love for us. By the power of that love make us loving people. By the freedom that that love brings set us free to love in real and concrete ways, so that we should be more than receivers of Your Christmas love, but gracious, loving, and constant givers as well. It is in Your Name that we ask it. Amen. 


Gracious Father, as the winter snow covers our landscapes and makes everything pristine and white, remind us what a blessing and privilege it is to be “clothed in Christ.” There is so much dirt on us and darkness in us, Father, that You no longer see because the forgiveness that Jesus earned for us now covers us from head to toe. Though our sins are like scarlet, they are now white as snow. Though they are red as crimson, they are now like wool. Thank you for loving and forgiving us, Father. Amen. 

Help us to live, incarnate Lord, as people who have been visited by You. Your coming to this earth for us and for our salvation makes us new and different through and through, and we pray that we might become faithful transmitters of that visitation. As we learned of, and got to know You by the faithful and ongoing efforts of people who brought You to us. Help us to likewise transmit You and Your salvation on to others. Involve us, gracious Lord, in Your mission to this world. In Your Name we ask it. Amen. 

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